Friday, November 14, 2008

Assignment 2-1

Quantum Of Solace

The news James Bond movie is getting mixed reviews. I have yet to see the movie, and am looking forward to updating this post with my thoughts.

I found several reviews online from Robert Ebert to the Sun-Times. Overall it looks like this movie is good, but not as good as the previous installation, "Casino Royale."

In the newest 007 Bond is out for revenge more than ever before. Chicago Reader digs 007's new gritty feel: "A few years back, the easy sexism and narcissism of the James Bond series looked dated to the point of obsolescence, but 'Quantum Of Solace' proves that a revenge motive is just what's needed to rejuvenate all the Bond clichés."

Daniel Craig plays the new James Bond. He is getting rave reviews for his role, although he was not well perceived in the first 007 he stared in. The movie itself is getting bland reviews though compared to the classic Bond movies.

They ask this question at the end of the article. Does Bond get the girl at the end of the movie? You must go see it to find out!

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