Friday, November 14, 2008

Assignment 2-2

The reason I choose Madonna is because her name has been in the tabloids a lot recently. Most of the tabloid stories have been about her new tour and her recent divorce from Guy Richie. I'm not particularly a fan of Madonna but, I respect what she has done with her career.

What it means to me: I remember running around my Grandma's yard listening to my cousin sing Madonna songs. All of her songs were extremely inappropriate for children our age. My cousin and I laugh about it now. We should have been singing more appropriate songs like music from Sesame Street. Even though she is not a family artist, she truly reminds me of "family time" with my cousin.

I choose this show because it was something I watched weekly. Since I watched it weekly I am very familiar with the show and all the characters. The show was on for 10 years and it was widely popular for all of the years in existence.

What it means to me: The show reminds me of my brother. My brother and I don't have a lot in common yet this is one thing we both loved. It brought us together every Thursday night. I had to come home when the show was on. I couldn't tape it and watch it later. I had to watch it during the live showing. The main characters were all very unique and different. The shows concept hadn't really been done before. I think that is why I loved it so much. My favorite character was Rachel (Jennifer Anniston) and Chandler (Matthew Perry).

Grey's Anatomy
I choose this show because it is a show that is currently on air. I love watching this show weekly and have to be home to catch every episode. I love discussing at the water cooler at work the next day.

What it means to me: In my opinion, this show means that there is still good TV to be made. It seems like most new Television shows have gone down the tubes. I can't remember a new show that has come on and really hit the core of the audience. I hope this show stays on TV for a long time.


terrie said...

I used to love watching Friends. It was my favorite show. I watched it every week and when they started to show the reruns each evening I would watch them too. I don't think there is an episode I haven't seen. My favorite character was Pheobe. She was quite unique and funny. I would laugh so much just watching her and what she would do.

Bobby said...

I remember friends but never watched it even though my wife use to watch it and tell me all about it and how funny it was and did play alot in her life growing and being the only child.

Ciara said...

Friends was one of my favorite tv shows. as far as Greys anatomy, I'm an avid tivo show watcher I love the she and all its drama. I agree with you about Madonna I'm not a fan but I do respect her for her career and all her success.