Saturday, November 15, 2008

Assignment 3-1

The Atkins Diet
One may ask what the Atkins diet is. The Atkins diet is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. The theory of this method is that too many over weight people eat carbohydrates so, by restricting their carbohydrate intake they can lose weight. If you keep your carbohydrate down to 40 or below each day you should be a weight loss success.
A person on the Atkins diet can eat serveral foods. The foods include, meats, cheeses, fish, chicken, butter, vegtables, and eggs. Basically anything high fat, high protein, low carb. There were several low carbohydrate foods that were introduced to the market years ago. Many have faded away but, some still remain on the market to this day.
The results of weight loss on this diet can happen rather quickly. One can lose anywhere from 10-15 pounds in the first month alone. Add workouts to the diet and your results will happen much quicker. It is tough for some to workout on this diet because energy levels can be rather low due to low carbohydrate intake.
This diet was introduced years ago, yet it still is a popular diet. Both my parents went on this diet a few years ago and lost a drastic amount of weight. Both have since gained it back so, I don't know the likely hood of keeping the weight off long term on the Atkins diet. It may not be a long term fix; however, people use it as a quick fix to lose weight. I think it will continue to be a quick fix for those trying to lose weight quickly for many years to come.
Has anyone in Pop Culture class used this diet? What were your results like?


tsmith said...

Very interesting post on the Adkins diet. I know a few people that have done this and it has worked temporarily. I think in order to lose weight a person needs to change their eating habits permanently but not by eliminating all carbs or at least the majority. All of that red meat can be hard on your kidneys.

Tisha Smith

terrie said...

I have tried this diet twice. It did allow you to lose weight quickly, however you feel awful. I also gained the weight back both times. I think it is a way to lose quickly but definitely not the answer to losing weight. Not only is it hard on your kidneys if you don't take in enough water, it is controversal in whether it contributes to heart disease.

Tammy said...

Madonna I one of my favorite persons too. She doesn't seem that old.