Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Assignment 1-2

What is popular culture, and what does it mean to you?

Popular culture is a pattern that is popular in the past or present.
One can find pop culture in film, art, sports.

Something that is popular now may not have been popular if made years ago.

The era usually shapes what is popular.

Why is an understanding of popular culture relevant to you in a business environment and in your present and future career?

Popular Culture is very important at my current job. I work in the marketing department at an engineering firm. One of my daily duties is to stay on top of all upcoming popular jobs in Ohio.
Once I figure out what jobs are popular I must submit a proposal to the City. I need the latest and greatest tools to make the proposal look professional.

A great example of popular culture would be graphic design program I use frequently called photo shop. I use several graphics programs to make the proposal look professional and esthetically pleasing to the eye.

What would you consider to be an example of a pop culture artifact? And why would you choose it?

Barbie would be considered a great example. It was a part of popular culture in my time (Born 1981) and is still currently a part of popular culture.

Barbie is always changing with the times; yet, she still seems to maintain her popular status.

The particular Barbie I chose is “Dream Glow Barbie.” I loved her because her dress glows in the dark.

All kids know who Barbie is. It doesn’t matter where you are from or whether you were rich or poor.

I retrieved the image from oldtoysonline.com website.


terrie said...

Barbie is a perfect example of an artifact of popular culture. She currently is and has been the toy of choice to all little girls. She definitely changes with the times in her outfits and accessories. This is a perfect example of how businesses must use popular culture to guide them in what they produce and sell.
Congratulations on your expecting new baby.Hope all goes well.

Bobby said...


Barbie just like Gi Joe was a big fad growing up. I remember playing with Gi Joe and had army wars with my brother and setup forts and everything. It got better with time because they acuatlly started to make vehicles for them just like barbie had sport cars and littel sisters and things of that nature.

Jennifer Ihrig said...

Crystal, great answers to the questions. Popular culture seems to be shaped by the times but more often than not, the popular toys transcend time.

Barbie is a great example of popular culture!